NYIPLA Application for Membership 

Key NYIPLA membership Benefits include:


NYIPLA annual Membership runs from May 1 through April 30

Active 3+ $255.00
Lawyer admitted to practice 3 or more years in any state or territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, interested in intellectual property law, of good character and in good standing, and having his/her residence or a regular and established office in the Second Circuit or in the District of New Jersey shall be eligible for election to Active 3+ Membership. Active Members of this Association in good standing shall have all the privileges of the Association.

Active 3- $200.00
Lawyer admitted to practice less than 3 years in any state or territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, interested in intellectual property law, of good character and in good standing, and having his/her residence or a regular and established office in the Second Circuit or in the District of New Jersey shall be eligible for election to Active 3- Membership. Active Members of this Association in good standing shall have all the privileges of the Association.

Active Corporate $75.00
Lawyer admitted to practice in any state or territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, interested in intellectual property law, of good character and in good standing, who is a member of a corporate law department or is employed by a company as its legal counsel, and whose residence or corporate office is established in the Second Circuit or in the District of New Jersey shall be eligible for election to Active Corporate Membership. Active Corporate Members of this Association in good standing shall have all the privileges of the Association.

Associate $255.00
(a) Any lawyer interested in intellectual property law, of good character and in good standing, and not having his/her residence or a regular and established office in the Second Circuit or in the District of New Jersey or who shall be admitted to practice, but not in a state or territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, or (b) any person who is not a lawyer, but is registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is in good standing on the registry of patent agents and who has his/her residence or regular and established office in the Second Circuit or the District of New Jersey, shall be eligible for election to Associate Membership. Associate Members shall have all the privileges of the Association except those of voting and holding office.

Government/Academic $100.00
Individuals who are full-time professional employees of a government agency. Government members are entitled to the privileges of the membership for which they are otherwise qualified. Individuals who are full time professors in a law school approved by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). Academic members are entitled to the privileges of the membership for which they are qualified.

Student $40.00
(a) Persons who are not lawyers, but are regularly enrolled as candidates for a professional law degree in a law school approved by the Association of American Law Schools and would be otherwise qualified for membership, if a member of the Bar, or (b) persons, who are not lawyers, but have graduated with a professional law degree from a law school approved by the Association of American Law Schools within two years of graduation and would be otherwise qualified for membership, if a member of the Bar, shall be eligible for election to Student membership. Student Members shall have all the privileges of the Association except those of voting and holding office. A Student Member may request transfer to Active or Associate Membership upon admission to the Bar.

Retired $50.00
Any member of this Association who retires from active practice of the law or as a patent attorney or agent and who has been an Active or Associate Member in good standing for the five (5) years preceding such retirement, may transfer to Retired Member status by making written request for such transfer to the then Secretary or Treasurer of the Association. Retired Members shall have all of the privileges of the Association except those of voting and holding office.

Select your membership category and click "submit" to proceed online, or complete the Application for Membership (PDF) and remit it to:

NYIPLA Executive Office
229 Seventh Street, Suite 202
Garden City, NY 11530


New Enrollment
Active 3+$255.00  
Active 3-$200.00  