NYIPLA Presidents' Forum "Go Ask Alice - Can Patent Eligible Subject Matter Be Rehabilitated"

NYIPLA Presidents' Forum "Go Ask Alice - Can Patent Eligible Subject Matter Be Rehabilitated"

Event Date
  • 9/24/2015   4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    Please arrive early for registration
  • Thurgood Marshall US Courthouse
    40 Foley Square
    New York, New York 10007

By invitation only.



  1. Hypothetical
  2. Discussion Leaders' Biographies
  3. Attendees List
  4. Robert R. Sachs, “The One Year Anniversary:  The Aftermath of #AliceStorm,” Bilski Blog (June 20, 2015) (11 pages)
  5. Christopher M. Holman, “Patent Eligibility Post-Myriad: A Reinvigorated Judicial Wildcard of Uncertain Effect,” 82 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1796 (Nov. 2014) (37 pages)
  6. Robert P. Feinland et al., “Hope for Computer-Related Patents – Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,” The National Law Review (June 24, 2015) (3 pages)
  7. Dennis Crouch, “Read This:  USPTO’s New Examination Guidelines Subject Matter Eligibility Provide ‘Pathways to Eligibility,’” PatentlyO.com (July 30, 2015) (4 pages)
  8. USPTO 2014 Interim Eligibility Guidance Quick Reference Sheet (Dec. 2014) (3 pages) and (16 pages)
  9. USPTO Interim Guidance on Subject Matter Eligibility(July 2015) (11 pages
  10. USPTO July 2015 Update:  Interim Eligibility Guidance Quick Reference Sheet (July 2015) (2 pages)
  11. Friedrich Laub, Protection of Diagnostic Inventions After Ariosa v. Sequenom,” BNA Patent, Copyright & Trademark Journal (Aug. 14, 2015) (5 pages)
  12. Jeffrey A. Lefstin, “Ariosa v. Sequenom and the Path Ahead for Subject-Matter Eligibility,” PatentlyO.com (June 14, 2015) (3 pages)
  13. Daniel Nazer, “Deep Dive: Why We Need Venue Reform to Restore Fairness to Patent Litigation,” Electronic Frontier Foundation (Aug. 17, 2015) (5 pages)
  14. Rep. Issa Amendment to the 2015 Innovation Act (2 pages)
  15. Glenn Forbis, “The Ups and Downs of the Innovation Act of 2015,” IPWatchdog.com (May 27, 2015) (6 pages)