Patent Litigation - A View from the Bench

Patent Litigation - A View from the Bench

Event Date
  • 9/19/2019   5:45 PM - 8:30 PM
    Please arrive early for registration
  • King & Spalding LLP
    1185 Sixth Avenue
    New York, New York 10036

Registration portal is now closed. Sorry, we are at maximum capacity. There is no onsite registration available.

Reference Materials 
Summary of 337 Investigations Where 35 U.S.C. 101 Has Been Raised as Defense (2 Pages)
Notice of Ground Rules; Order Setting Date for Submission of Joint Discovery Statement (57 Pages)
Local Rules of Civil Practice and Procedure of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware (46 Pages)
United States District Court, District of New Jersey: Report of the Local Patent Rules Committee (14 Pages)
United States International Trade Commission Section 101 Decision #1 (57 Pages)
United States International Trade Commission Section 101 Decision #2 (4 Pages)
United States International Trade Commission Section 337  Regulations (81 Pages)
Judge Noreika Patent Scheduling Order Non ANDA (13 Pages)
Judge Noreika Patent Scheduling Order ANDA (10 Pages)
Judge Noreika Preferences & Procedures for Civil Cases September 2019 (5 Pages)
Judge Noreika Preferences & Procedures for Civil Cases November 2018 (4 Pages)
Patent Litigation A View From the Bench (6 Pages)


The NYIPLA is pleased to present this judges panel CLE program with distinguished jurists from three of the most important venues for patent litigation in the United States.   The District of Delaware’s newest member of the bench, Judge Maryellen Noreika, will be joined by Chief Administrative law Judge Charles Bullock, the longest serving ALJ at the International Trade Commission, and retired Judge John Lifland of the District of New Jersey.  The  panelists will discuss their views concerning hot topics in patent litigation, including  motion practice under Section 101, approaches to Markman hearings and tutorials, summary judgment and Daubert motions, trial practice, advocacy do’s and don’ts, and settlement/mediation of patent disputes.  Steven Rizzi, partner at King & Spalding in New York, will moderate the panel.   


Honorable Maryellen Noreika, Judge, United States District Court for the District of Delaware
Honorable Charles Bullock, Chief Administrative Law Judge, United States International Trade Commission
Honorable John Lifland (Ret.), Neutral, JAMS The Resolution Experts 

Moderator: Steven Rizzi, Partner, King & Spalding


5:45 - 6:00 Registration
6:00 - 7:15 Presentation
7:15 - 8:30 Reception

Earn 1.5 CLE Credits

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